Thursday, January 31, 2013

This is me

I just wanna share my own story.

Actually, I never have best friend on my life until now. I have so many friends, but I have few close friends (based on me). For me, close friends is enough. They could gimme spirit. yup, they were so great! They are Devira, Amalia/Amel, Echi, Sista, Zaid, Zahra, and HIlda. My very close friends are Sista, Devira, Hilda, and Amel. I do really love them, I don't know why, they could cheer me up. :)

Then, I have my story about my roommate, A.2.6.
I have Wening, Afifatuz, Mbak Watik, Mbak Tete, Mbak Nuning, and the last Tasya.
But my old roommate on A.2.6 were Wening (again), Mbak Watik, Mbak Tete, Mbak Nuning, Mbak Lisa, Mbak Fithri, and Mbak Yana. 3 of them were already graduate from this SHS. T.T

I love everything on my dormitory. The scenery is always so great. I always thankful to Almighty God because of it blesses. :)

Okay, This is my simple story. I will continue on the next time. Bye bye.

What am I looking for in 2013 and the next year?

Theme: 2013

In 2013, I have a lot of destiny. One of them is my university and my faculty. In this year, I am going to choose my own destiny.

Okay, my struggle will on fire starts from right now on. It must!

The first I came to this snake’s year, I’m going to let my brain think what I need to get, what I need to do, and what I need to hold.

The first one is what I need to get is I have to get good score at my XI grade at all subject. Not only have that, but also good organization inside or outside schooled hours to support my academic and non-academic score. For example, I wanna be a doctor (amiin), I need to get good score in this year to get SNMPTN on “undangan” way or on written way also never mind. To support that, I need to make good relationships on every single step. I have to plan this since January, this month.

Then, I need to study everyday hardly. Whatever I am, whenever I am, and wherever I am. If I wanna be a trusted doctor and great business woman, I should learn how to be a truly good speaker, good on relationship, careful, patient etc.  That’s the way that I have to walk before.

Therefore, I need to hold on my dream to make it true. I need to hold on my good score and make them better. Once, I need to pray to my Almighty God to get it has blesses.  I also remember with my parents and my elder sister.

My way will continue at Gadjah Mada University (UGM) on doctor faculty. Amiin. Okay, starts from right now on, I make my dream 5 cm in front of me and get them with my beloved family and friends on year 2020! Let us see, amiin. I hope as always.

Calender of 2013

Written By:
Aprilia Tiyan Fatmawati

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Me? What’s new?

Theme: 2013

You know something, life is not simple, but it is so complicating when we face it. Some people say that life is like wave or water, just let it flow.  They will come and go easily.

Now, let me tell you about my wave.

When I was on 2012, I am a bad girl, usually have a bad habitual activity on every morning. I am lazy to wake up early in the morning to get the 1st number of queue of taking a bath, or maybe get breakfast everyday. I do not even like that. I always wake up at 5 a.m. and go to school at 05.30 a.m. with Bus J So, I always prepare everything in a hurry and that was so mess.

Okay, then. Now. What’s new from me?

In January 2013, I have already changed that habit into the good one. Nowadays, I almost wake up earlier than last year.  Although it is, change 15 minutes, but its change in all aspects. Everyday I always get prepare well. I have already realized that my habit is so bad. I do always iron my clothes tidy and weekly. I love my life.

What is my resolution in 2013? Actually it is not so big, but useful for my life. My resolution is “CHANGE!” its means that I have to change in all habit. First, I have to change my score. To get it, I have to change my habitual activity.

That's all about me! How about you? :) Written By :
Aprilia Tiyan Fatmawati

XI Science 6 / 05