Sunday, August 24, 2014

2 weeks in Tobacco city

You know, tobacco city lies on East Java Province. Yup, Tobacco is the name of one fruit. Can you guess what city is? The city is isolated by Bondowoso, Probolinggo, Situbondo, Lumajang. The code of the police for vehicle is 'P'. Just guess guys.

now let me tell you, this city is my place for several years later, about 5 to 6 years. Now, i am doing my study here, I learn about medicine, human, cadaver, etc. I take Faculty of Medicine here (in Indonesia: Fakultas Kedokteran) in one of public university here.

I love the price of the food near my kost :D the price is so cheap, with 6000 rupiah, you can get food with drink. So cheap, so. Ah, you must know, the weather here is not to cold or hot, so so. This occasion, there is a carnival; big carnival named JFC and JJC. Guess first! This is international event, so much tourist come to my new city to see and join the carnival. The carnival is really really cool!

My first week is fulfilled with so many activities; started from PK2 in my university, I join. Then, healthy walking in my university to close the PK2 moment. The next day, I start my study, yeaaah, this is the one that I always waiting for, I wanna try to be a big student, the real learner.

then my second week, I spend my time with study too; come to class, do the tutorial, skills lab, practice in the lab, etc. Then in the weekend I do the continue of PK2. I do the activity with help from SECABA ( Sekolah Calon Bintara) in my city.

finally, I do really enjoy with my life here. I hope it will be lasting forever till 6 years later; until I get my profess "dr. Aprilia Tiyan Fatmawati". Please all say, aamiin :)

thank you.