Monday, September 17, 2012

Homework? It does not matter for us!

Theme: Is homework helpful or harmful?

Nowadays, many students complaint about choosing between their schools suck activities like learning to live (or we called it extracurricular).  They still confuse how to manage the time to make it as gold. Mostly, they will choose the other activities whose make them happy or make them refresh from those suck homework.

            Homework, yahhh.. It will be heard every day, every time, and sometimes they brought by students in their dream day. So pity! Some students said that it was kill them when they had they leisure. The second point, it makes students scream out on their stress. But this Is the negative part, homework will called harmful if they so many and keep orderly a lot for a while time (example: a day). We can’t to have the time to read some books and do other activities.

            But, others say inverse 
Did you know? can be helpful for us. Just dream, if they will never came to our school’s note, what will happen? We will not study and read on that book, we will be fool and so lost from new era.

            So, what we can take from this point of view? Do you get something?

            Of course, yeah, it is about us! It is about who has a lot of comment. If we see, homework is rather helpful because they make us study although it kills us and I hate it. For the proven, if homework is harmful, actually the student still needs to read books, so that is the point. Homework is does not matter. It will be help us for the future!

Made by :

Aprilia Tiyan Fatmawati



  1. Homeworks are like a training for body builders. Their muscle will be strong if they train them continuously, and so with the homeworks for us.

    Nice job Pril :)

  2. Thanks for visiting chus :)

    yup I like your beautiful words for this topic :D
