Sunday, December 2, 2012

If I will be a business woman and a doctor :D

Theme: If I will be...

I'm 16 years old. I'm a senior high school student, now I'm standing on eleven grades.
I have a dream that I will be a doctor and business woman.

Now, I'm wondering if I become a business woman.
I should wear a great dress, luxurious bag, and a beautiful shoes.
I would bring a lot of client with their smile and their trust to me.
If you wanna know what is the business tips for woman, just open

In other side, I would be a great doctor which is wear a white shirt.
I wanna like that on 2020.
Can I? I hope so.
This is about doctor, I took it from
"Doctors ate responsible for seeing patients that are ill. It is the job of the doctor to offer some type of healing to the patient for his or her illness. It may be determined that the patient needs to sleep, or eat soup, or perform another home remedy that the doctor will advise the patient to do. There are other times when doctors will have to offer up the remedy for healing himself or herself. One of the most common ways to do so would be through prescription medication, in which case, it is the job of the doctor to prescribe the medication that is best suited for the illness that he or she has. There are some instances in which the remedy for the doctor is to refer that patient to another type of doctor. For instance, if the patient has a physical injury that needs to be further adhered to beyond the care of a primary care doctor, he or she may find it best to recommend that patient to a psychical therapist in order to further the healing process.
Doctors also work highly with a focus on prevention. A doctor will be working to see that each patient that they treat are up to date with all tests that they need to have performed. It is not uncommon for doctors to take blood and urine samples from their patients, even when they do not appear to be sick. As they view the laboratory results, they are able to gauge if there is a potential medical issue that they need to address or readily work with the patient to avoid. Doctors execute preventative methods by reviewing the blood pressure, the weight, and even the height of an individual after the nurse has recorded this information in order to determine if there are signs of future medical issues that are present or that the patient needs to take proper action to combat against.
There are also doctors who are licensed to perform surgery. These doctors have one of the heaviest responsibilities in the medical industry. Although all actions within the medical community of high importance due to the fact that they add to the greater work of the hole, doctors have an authoritative role in the entire process. At the beginning phases of the career of a doctor, that doctor is bound to have a very demanding schedule. He or she will have less of a choice to not work extended hours when starting out. This is because the beginning phases of the career of a doctor is highly education based. This is the phase where doctors are granted the opportunity to gain the bulk of their practical knowledge before they go extremely intensive with the hands on work. After this point, doctors often find that once they have mastered their skill and have built up a client base, they are bound to reach a point where they control their work schedule. This is the point at which a number of doctors will decide that they are going to work on a part time basis, rather than working full time to over time."
Thanks J
Made By :
Aprilia Tiyan Fatmawati

If I'm A Graduated Senior High School Student :)

Theme : If I am ...

I was wondering my future. Now, I am a Senior High School student, eleven grades. I never stop to think my future after I graduate from this school. What will I be?

I start to think what are my hobby, then my talent, the last I think my dream which is make me stay on this life. Yup, I wanna a doctor, a business woman and also, as a lecture. Can I?

Then, if I am a graduated senior high school student, I will continue my study to university. While I study, I will find job to increase my revenue: D Then I would continue my study, then I will concentrate on my job to reach my dream when I was child.

After I graduate from this SHS, I will continue to university. On my point of view, University student is free and they are so smart to choose their own life. They could decide which the best is.

Well, most of you, as I know used up to 5 years worth of education level, in order to be a bit more than the average people's education level.. So, just remember, we salute you for this.. But, when it comes to work, just remember...
This are the tips to make you comfort when you are on university then also as a worker:

FIRST: Don't ever underestimate
You may got good grade at your degree, but when it comes to working environment, experience tell where you grade is.

SECOND: Don't compare
Your work tell everything, so don't compare the level because it doesn't show the grade.

THIRD: Learn with everyone
Don't assume you know everything, you can loss so much chapter, so learn with everyone. You can share your experience also.

FOURTH: Logic and creative
To make you survive, you have to think logically and creative. You can manage your time creatively as you wish.

If you do those activities, with love, then you will feel that those are part of your life

Anyway, What I have noticed is that its down to the individual student, everyone is different.
So, this is my story if I'm a graduated senior high school student.


made by :
Aprilia Tiyan Fatmawati

If I were a kindergarten student :D

Theme : If I were..

I was wondering about freedom, childhood, and happiness. How if they I would be the luckiest person, but it was different with the fact. I'm a Senior High Student which has a lot of assignment. Those are make me stress and suck suddenly and it is happen everyday.

I was wondering about how if I were a kindergarten student.
I think that they were free and had no idea about how to do their assignment well. They just drew freely, played game everywhere and had no limited time.
How lucky they are!

If I could turn around the time, I would back to kindergarten and won't continue my grade to the Elementary School.
I wanna back to my childhood. My childhood was not easy as another children. I had to school by my self without my mom. She was not accompany me and wait me like others mom. I never had breakfast because my parents were busy, always! I was never had lunch, she had no time to make food for me. I hate it!
But I was so excited when I was kindergarten, I liked to play and my mom always ask my teacher to guide and safe me from danger. Mom, you are care in silent.. I LOVE IT. :)

I wanna back to my childhood when I was kindergarten because of parents. I wanna show them that I won't feel like used to be. They were much care of me in back, not in front of me.
I LOVE YOU MOM, DAD, SISTER! I was regret when I feel like used to be.

One word for you,

Let me wondering to my past.
If I were a kindergarten student.

Made by :
Aprilia Tiyan Fatmawati
XI SCIENCE 6 /  05